If you are looking to enhance your looks with a completely natural substance which achieves a visible, long-lasting aesthetic result then there are several products available.  Due to TGA regulations the names of this substance cannot be advertised. 

These dermal fillers (as they are collectively called) are able to define facial contours, give fuller lips or smooth out facial lines.  Used with other treatments they can effectively rejuvenate and restore youthfulness.

The bio-ceramics are substances that encourage your own collagen to grow, however as they are generally longer lasting that the traditional dermal fillers, Dr Fotouhi will insist that you undergo treatment with dermal fillers first

a) to ensure you like the result, and

b) to allow you to get comfortable with the cosmetic technology.


All filler consultations ensure that you are given a written quote and further information concerning your planned procedures.  


You are able to direct how you would like your treatments conducted, for example you may like to have your lips completed in one session, and your naso-labial (lines from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth) folds in the next.


Each treatment is discussed with Dr Fotouhi who will advise you on the amount that may be needed to gain the effect you want. 


The amount of dermal filler used is dependant on the particular area that you would like to treat, what condition your skin and facial collagen is in, what level of correction you would like to achieve.

Areas of the face that can be treated with dermal fillers:

  • Lips
  • Marionette lines (corner of mouth to chin)
  • Naso-labial folds (side of the nose to corner of mouth)
  • Cheeks
  • Cheek flat
  • Tear troughs
  • Back of hands
  • Décolletage
  • Temporal Region
  • Biopsy scars (for example breast cancer biopsy scars)
  • War wounds (depressed scars on face, acne scars etc)

The amount of dermal filler used is dependant on the particular area that you would like to treat, what condition your skin and facial collagen is in, what level of correction you would like to achieve.

Areas of the face that can be treated with dermal fillers:

  • Lips

  • Marionette lines (corner of mouth to chin)

  • Naso-labial folds (side of the nose to corner of mouth)

  • Cheeks

  • Cheek flat

  • Tear troughs

  • Back of hands

  • Décolletage

  • Temporal Region

  • Biopsy scars (for example breast cancer biopsy scars)

  • War wounds (depressed scars on face, acne scars etc)